Journal of Environmental & Engineering Geophysics (JEEG)

The JEEG (ISSN 1083-1363) is the peer-reviewed journal of the Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society (EEGS). JEEG welcomes manuscripts on new developments in near-surface geophysics applied to environmental, engineering, and mining issues, as well as novel near-surface geophysics case histories and descriptions of new hardware aimed at the near-surface geophysics community. Submit your article to Manuscript Submission Site.
Just-Accepted Articles Peer-reviewed and accepted manuscripts that have been assigned Digital Object Identifier (DOI) but have not undergone copyediting, typesetting, pagination, and proofreading process, which may lead to differences between this version and the final version.
A JEEG Just-Accepted Article can be cited by the assigned DOI. How to Cite: Authors' names in the correct order, Year, Title, Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, Accepted Author Manuscript, doi: 10.32389/...
JEEG is published four times a year and is available without charge to EEGS members online (ISSN 1943-2658):
JEEG Editor-in-Chief
The Journal's newly appointed editor is Allen Gontz, Ph.D. and MS from the University of Maine in Earth and Geological Sciences, currently a Professor of Applied Geology with the Clarkson University Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. His research has spanned all seven continents and applied terrestrial and marine geophysical methods to understand various aspects of the environment, environmental change, landscape development and the impacts of society. He regularly works with archaeologists, engineers and other scientists on multidisciplinary problems. His expertise lies in ground penetrating radar, electrical resistivity, marine seismic, sidesscan sonar, UAV applications as well as multibeam bathymetry and LiDAR.
Dr. Gontz assumed his role on January 1, 2025 replacing JEEG's Co-editors-in-Chief Afshin Aghayan - [email protected] and Aleksandra Varnavina - [email protected].
Any questions related to content, schedule, or production, can be relayed to them. JEEG also relies on a dedicated set of volunteer associate editors. If you are interested in volunteering as an AE, please contact our Editor. Areas of expertise sought include: gravity and magnetics.
Past Editors of JEEG:
Alan Witten 1996-1998 Mel Best 1998-2000 Angela Davis 2000-2003 Jonathan Nyquist 2003-2007 Janet Simms 2007-2016 Dale Rucker 2016-2020 Co-editors-in-Chief Afshin Aghayan and Aleksandra Varnavina 2021-2024
Article Types JEEG offers two options for publication: a Near Surface Geophysical Letter (NSGL) and a full research article. The difference between the two is the length of the article and the general time to publication. NSGLs are typically 1000-3000 words with up to four figures. Full articles are in excess of 3000 words and there are no limits to figures. However, a general rule of thumb is to have 1 to 2 times the number of figures per 1000 words. A 5000 word article can accommodate about 5 to 10 figures. The NSGL can also make its way through the publication system faster as it takes less time to review.
Author Information Packet The online manuscript submission and publication process is handled by Allen Press, free of fees or charges. Submit your article to Other important documents for publication are available below:
Author Awards JEEG offers an opportunity for published authors to win the yearly Best Paper Award in honor of Alan Witten. The Best Paper Award is decided by the EEGS board of directors after a recommendation from the current JEEG editor. The award is presented yearly at SAGEEP.