Monday, March 23
Geoscientists Without Borders® (GWB)
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“Changing lives…Empowering Communities”
GWB will host a luncheon - outside on the terrace! Join colleagues to hear Robert R. Stewart, Cullen Chair in Exploration Geophysics and Director, Allied Geophysical Lab, University of Houston, Dept. of Earth & Atmospheric Sciences deliver his talk “What caused the 2010 Haiti earthquake? The collaborative search for blind faults” and the latest from GWB.
Tuesday, March 24
EEGS Annual Meeting/Business Luncheon and Near Surface Community Forum
The EEGS luncheon will feature a “Near Surface Community Forum” that will include EEGS business followed by brief, invited updates from other near-surface entities and open discussion, moderated by the EEGS president, on the state of the Near Surface community and issues common to all.
Wednesday, March 25
Student Career Forum / Luncheon at Serrano's (Fajitas!)
A "Passing the Torch" lunch will be held at a nearby popular restaurant and will focus on career guidance for students. The informal discussion will be moderated by a panel of geophysicists from different employment sectors. Interaction with students and contributions from other geophysicists will be encouraged.
Sponsored by:
Austin Geological Society
John A. and Katherine G. Jackson School of Geosciences, The Univ. of Texas at Austin
San Antonio Geophysical Society
Tetra Tech
Texas A&M, Dept. of Geology and Geophysics |