SAGEEP2025/Munitions Response Meeting (MRM) Exhibition and Sponsorship

Exhibiting at SAGEEP/MRM

The Hilton Denver City Center hotel in downtown Denver, Colorado boasts over 10,000 square feet of space devoted to SAGEEP/MRM exhibitors bringing the latest in hardware, software, and services. Attendees will be visiting the Exhibit Hall for coffee breaks, the Ice Breaker and the special post-conference wrap-up in addition to daily hours of operation.  Posters, a valuable component of the SAGEEP/MRM technical program, will be viewable in the Exhibit Hall. 

Prospective exhibitors are invited to consult the exhibit hall floor plan below to locate available booths (numbered boxes without an exhibiting company's name are open).  Once selected (please identify second and third choices as well), complete the Exhibit Booth space request and email as an attachment to:

Ms. Micki Allen, Exhibits Manager
Marac Enterprises
7B Pleasant Blvd., Suite 985
Toronto, Ontario, M4T 1K2
Telephone: +1 647 401 8758
Email: [email protected]