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SAGEEP 2025/Munitions Response Meeting (MRM) Registration InformationFor your preliminary planning purposes, conference registration rates are listed below. A full conference itinerary and technical program will be published shortly. Check back regularly for additional activities/events planned for the April 13-17 meeting!2025 Conference RatesConference rates include: access to the SAGEEP mobile application, ice breaker, keynote address, oral and poster presentations, exhibits, conference program, access to the mobile app and the SAGEEP 2025/MRM proceedings Single Day conference rates include: access to the SAGEEP mobile application, keynote address, oral and poster presentations, exhibits, and conference program. Wednesday Only conference rates include: access to the conference mobile application, oral and poster presentations, exhibits, post meeting wrap up event in Exhibit Hall, and conference program. Exhibitors - Exhibiting companies receive one (1) full conference registration and one (1) complimentary exhibit personnel registration for every 10x10 booth space. Additional exhibit personnel badges may be purchased for $70.00. All fees include 2025 proceedings, printed program and admission to food and beverage events in the exhibit hall. Short Course Registrations include the full day course, two breaks and lunch.