SAGEEP 2016 Abstracts & Sessions

Deadline has passed for submission of Revised Abstracts, Extended Abstracts and  Near Surface Geophysical Letters (NSGL)

The online submission site has been closed for new submission or revisions.  If you have questions, please contact Technical Chair Charles Stoyer ([email protected]). 

SAGEEP 2016 Technical Program Available Online

Click the link to view the Technical Program, including sessions, presenters and chairs:

Authors wishing to be considered for the "Best of SAGEEP," will have submitted an extended abstract (approximately 4 pages in length).  Those selected will be asked to present at EAGE's Near Surface Geoscience 2016 conference in Barcelona, Spain.

Authors of NSGLs will be advised of the separate, post-SAGEEP submission process to the JEEG by email.  If you need additional information on the process, please contact the Conference Technical Chair.  

SAGEEP Quick Links:

Poster Presentation Instructions
Printable Abstract Submission Payment Form
SAGEEP 2016 Terms of Submission
Formatting Your SAGEEP 2016 Extended Abstract (MS Word)
Formatting Your SAGEEP 2016 Extended Abstract

Key Submission Dates:

Jan. 26, 2016 Deadline for Final Revised Extended Abstracts and NSGLs

If you are from a country that requires a visa to enter the U.S., please ensure that you start the process of obtaining any required travel documents sufficiently early so that you will be able to attend the meeting. 


Conference Contacts:

General Chair
John Stowell
[email protected]

Technical Chair
Charles Stoyer
Email:  [email protected]

Exhibits Manager/Sponsorship
Micki Allen
Marac Enterprises
[email protected]  

SAGEEP 2016 Session Titles

Before accessing the online abstract submission site, please consult the list of session topics/chairs listed below.  You will be asked to select a session title best suited to your presentation (oral).  You may also let the Technical Committee decide by selecting that drop down option.  Please contact Technical Chair Charles Stoyer ([email protected]) with sessions you would like to propose or chair. 

Agricultural Geophysics - Barry Allred, Chair
Airborne Geophysics and Remote Sensing:  Barry Allred, Chair
Archaeological Geophysics - Laura Sherrod, Chair
Dams and Levees - Scott Ikaard, Chair; Ted Asch, Co-chair
Drone Case Histories - Ron Bell, Chair; Barry Allred, Co-chair
Engineering Geophysics - Scott Ikard, Chair; Mike Powers, Co-chair
Hydrogeophysics/Geophysics Applied to Water Resources - Brad Carr, Scott Ikard, Chairs; Andy Parsekian, Co-Chair
Geophysics and Geologic Hazards
Geophysics in Climate and Critical Zone Studies - Khamini Singha, Chair
Geophysics in Environmental and Mining Reclamation
Geophysics for Contaminant and Site Remediation - Jonathan Nyquist, Chair
Geophysics in the Oilfield: Contaminants, Water Demand, Induced Seismicity, and Hydraulic Fracturing - Bruce Smith, Chair
Highway Geophysics - Jacob Sheehan, Chair
Integrated Near Surface Geophysics Case Histories - Darren Mortimer, Chair
Material Property Measurements
Mining and Reclamation Geophysics - Allison Johnston, Chair
Multi-scale Geophysical Investigations of the Edwards Aquifer and Similar Karst Hydrogeophysics
Non-technical Issues and Barriers to Applications of Geophysics"
Polar and Planetary Geophysics
Surface-wave Seismology for Engineering and Environmental Geophysics 
Transportation and Infrastructure Geophysics - Frank Jalinoos, Chair; Rick Hoover, Co-Chair
UXO and UXO Sensor Technology - Darren Mortimer, Chair; Ted Asch, Co-chair


Borehole Geophysics - Carole Johnson, Chair; Robert Garfield, Co-chair
Drones in Geophysics - Ron Bell, Chair
Electromagnetics and Magnetotellurics - Mel Best, Chair
Geophysical Database Management - Darren Mortimer, Chair
GPR and EMI in Complex Environments: Emerging Concepts, Methods, and Data Analysis
GPR Instruments, Acquisition, Processing, and Analysis - Donald M. Thieme
Gravity and Magnetic Methods: Engineering and Environmental Applications - Darren Mortimer, Chair
HVSR and Passive Seismology - John W. Lane, Chair
Integrating Drones into Geophysical and Geological Mapping Projects - Ron Bell, Chair
Near Surface Geophysical Data Analyses, Integration, and Processing - Darren Mortimer, Chair
Near Surface Geophysical Sensor Technology
Near Surface Geophysics across Hydrologic Interfaces: Imaging Hyporheic, Lacustrine, Shallow Marine, and Underwater Environments- Nick Valleau, Chair; John Jansen, Co-chair 
Near Surface Seismic Reflection and Refraction - Jeremy Strohmeyer
NMR for Near-surface Investigations (Development and Applications) - Elliot Grunewald, Chair
Novel Environmental/NS Geophysics Methods
Resistivity/Induced Polarization/Self-Potential Methods and Applications - Scott Ikard, Chair
Shallow Marine and Underwater Geophysics - Nick Valleau, Chair

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