SAGEEP 2023 Short Courses

Sunday April 2, 2023

Please Note:  When registering for Short Courses or the Workshop, be aware that you can only sign up for the Short Course or the Workshop on Sunday and 1 Short Course on Thursday since Short Courses on the same day run simultaneously. 

Full Day courses and the Workshop include morning and afternoon refreshment breaks and lunch.

SC-1: 3D Geophysical Sensor Mapping in GPS-denied Areas with Kaarta Stencil 2 SLAM-based mobile mapping system
Instructor:  David Duggins
Date: Sunday, April 2, 2023
Time:  8am - 5pm
Room:  Chart A

Course Description:
This course will familiarize you with the basic operations of Kaarta’s Stencil 2 SLAM (simultaneous mapping and location) system including building a reference map, geo-registering that map, then using that map to generate GPS data in real time. This allows the operation and geo-location of geophysical sensors in environments such as wooded or urban areas where GNSS is intermittent, denied, or less accurate without needing a GNSS device.


W-1: Biogeophysics: Improving Understanding of Geophysical Signatures of Microbial Processes for Environmental & Engineering Problems
Organizers: Estella Atekwana, Dimitrios Ntarlagiannis, Lee Slater
Date: Sunday, April 2, 2023
Time:  8:00am - 5:00pm
Room:  Chart B

Course Description:
‘Biogeophysics’ is an Earth science discipline that spans the established disciplines of Geomicrobiology, Biogeochemistry and Geophysics and advances understanding of how sub-surface microbial processes modulate geophysical signature changes. Over the last two decades, biogeophysics research has confirmed the potential for conventional geophysical techniques to measure not simply the subsurface physical and chemical properties of the subsurface, as geophysical methods are conventionally used, but also the detection of microbial cells, microbe-mineral transformations, biogeochemical cycling, and redox transformations. Thus, geophysical datasets have provided the opportunity to improve understanding of biogeochemical processes in natural and anthropogenic environments.

This one-day short course will examine recent advances in biogeophysics and the current state of the science. The course will be a combination of short lectures and discussions. At the end of the day, participants will understand how microbial processes drive geophysical property changes and which geophysical methods are best suited for assessing these transformations.

Instructors will present overview talks setting the stage for discussions. Discussions will include:

  1. An overview of microbial redox processes and associated geophysical signatures
  2. Geophysical signatures of microbial cells and biofilms
  3. Geophysical signatures of microbe-mineral transformations
  4. Implications for environmental characterization and remediation monitoring

Presentations will culminate in case studies examining different geophysical signatures (electrical resistivity, spectral induced polarization, magnetics, seismic, self-potential, nuclear magnetic resonance) at the laboratory and field-scale in different environments and applications to hydrocarbon and metal contaminated sites, groundwater and soil remediation studies, phytoremediation, peatlands/climate change, CO2 sequestration and critical zone studies. Future directions will also be discussed.

Please Note:  Funds from a National Science Foundation (NSF) grant are available to partially support the registration and travel of PhD students, postdoctoral scientists, and early career researchers/faculty.  Click here to access the Application for Support form or contact [email protected] to inquire about eligibility or for other questions.


Thursday, April 6, 2023

SC-2:  Seequent UX-Analyze: Dynamic Data Processing and One-pass Classification 
Instructor:  Laura Quigley, Darren Mortimer, Seequent
Thursday April 6, 2023
Time:  9:00am - 5:00pm
Room:  Chart A

Course Description: 
Join Seequent in this instructor-led course where we will walk through how to process dynamic AGC data, including the newly added Classify and Rank tool, which now allows you classify dynamic AGC survey data. This addition to the Dynamic workflow will allow you to do one-pass classification, for those sensors which are validated for such, providing you with a ranked source list. This course will also include how to process your dynamic data, include IVS data, data QC, and informed source selection for target picking. 

SC-3:  Ground Penetrating Radar - Principles, Practice and Processing
Instructors:  Greg Johnston, Sensors & Software, Inc.
Date:  Thursday, April 6, 2023
Time:  8:00am - 4:30 pm
Room:  Chart B

Course Description:
This 1 day course covers a bit of everything about GPR. The classroom agenda covers basic GPR theory, instrumentation and survey design. The field portion takes the class outside to collect some GPR data including cross-sections integrated with GPS and a grid survey over an area of about 10x10 meters. Afterwards, we will return to the classroom and analyze the data as well as will discuss principles of interpreting GPR data and how to present GPR data effectively for scientific papers and reports. Attendees who bring a Windows-based PC laptop will work with the collected data using the EKKO_Project GPR data analysis software (supplied).  GPR data visualizations includes cross-sections, 2D depth slices and 3D cubes. GPS integration and displaying data in Google Earth is also covered. Case studies are presented to expose students to data from other application areas.