EEGS Foundation Silent Auction at SAGEEP

Hello All,

The 2015 SAGEEP conference scheduled for March 22-26 in Austin, Texas looks to be one of the best SAGEEPs year - and a lot of fun! As part of this year’s festivities the EEGS Foundation plans to again sponsor a Silent Auction. Last year’s auction in Boston was a great success and we are asking you to help 2015 be even better.

The 2014 Silent Auction at SAGEEP in Boston raised $4,379 from 10 donated items including a Mt. Sopris combination borehole probe, new geophones, artwork, training sessions from software vendors and new books on geophysics. A later sale of software raised an additional $5,000! This year, we already have already received donations of a Geonics EM-31, some antique electronic measurement equipment, and artwork unique to Austin, Texas. So, building on that enthusiasm, we will again hold a Silent Auction at this year’s SAGEEP.  We ask that you donate an item that can be sold to the highest bidder at the auction. Click here for the printable Merchandise Donation form 2015 .  All proceeds will benefit the EEGS Foundation.

Contributions can include gift cards, professional services, electronics gadgets (e.g. iPhones, iPads, Kindles, GPS units, etc.) or other like items or services. Please help us by thinking of something that you can contribute. These gifts can come from individuals or organizations (talk to your employer!). The items can be mailed in advance to the EEGS Business Office (c/o Jackie Jacoby) or brought to the registration desk at the beginning of the conference.  Details on contributing items and tax benefits can be found via this link.!page4/cfvg

You can also participate in the auction by purchasing one of these items, so you'll want to come prepared with your check or credit card! Everything will be on display throughout the conference and winners will be announced in the Exhibit Area on Wednesday at the mid-morning break. Once the item is purchased, you can take it with you or have it shipped (postage will be at additional expense to the purchaser).
Please contact me if you would like any additional information on the auction. Thank you for your consideration of participating in this fund raiser for the EEGS Foundation.

Doug Laymon
Silent Auction Committee Chairman
EEGS Foundation
[email protected]