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The EEGS Board of Directors recently proposed bylaws revisions, one of which adds a third VP SAGEEP position (VP Pre-Elect) to plan for SAGEEP two years in advance. The EEGS Board oversees the planning of the annual symposium, SAGEEP, and in recent years, it has been a struggle to get the job done in a timely manner. Members of the Board extend thanks to all EEGS members who exercised their right to vote! The Board has appointed Dale Werkema to fill the new SAGEEP position, VP Pre-Elect, until the formal election of Executive Officers and At-Large Board members next year. The revised Bylaws are viewable at EEGS Bylaws on the EEGS web site.
Geoscientists from all over the world are invited to submit abstracts to SAGEEP 2018. (Details at SAGEEP 2018 web site:
www.EEGS.org/SAGEEP 2018/Abstracts & Sessions.) The 31st SAGEEP will be held March 25-29, 2018 in Nashville, Tennessee United States, a region of North America with numerous attributes of interest to near surface geophysicists. Karst features, including Mammoth Cave, are abundant within a short distance of Nashville; a few hundred miles west lies the New Madrid fault zone, site of two of the largest earthquakes in the continental US (1811-1812), and east Tennessee has issues related to coal mining as well as chemical and nuclear wastes. The Tennessee river flows east to west across most of the state with numerous dams and levees. These features, along with topics of national and international interest (infrastructure, renewable and unconventional energy, water, geohazards,unexploded ordnance, etc.) will form the core of a timely and relevant technical program.
Technical Co-Chairs Andrew Parsekian and Oliver Kuras are currently working on a compelling program and urge you to submit today and make note of the submission deadlines - abstracts are due 10/20/17! If you would like to help coordinate a session, please contact the technical co-chairs at [email protected] and [email protected].
Questions or recommendations related to the conference can be sent to General Chair William Doll, [email protected].
"Students Are Evolving Faster than Colleges:" Discuss.
EEGS Board Member Rick A. Hoover,
Quality Geosciences Company, recently represented EEGS at the American Geosciences Institute (AGI) Leadership Forum 2017 on September 11 in Washington DC. The morning was comprised of a series of panels that provided presentations and answered questions.
According to Hoover, a key take away at the Education Panel was that, although lots of challenges were identified, "students are evolving faster than the colleges. The students want a ticket to a job, while the colleges are focused on a degree, and there seems to be a disconnect. It is no longer unusual for a student to start with a 2-year college, move to a 4-year college, and then supplement their classes with online learning."
The AGI is a network of associations representing geoscientists with a diverse array of skills and knowledge of our planet. If you would like a copy of Rick Hoover's Leadership Forum report, please send an email to [email protected].
Call for Speakers - EEGS Student Chapters Need Your Expertise!
EEGS Student Chapters are looking for speakers to visit their institutions and speak to the groups. The EEGS website will host a list of names and contact information of willing speakers on the Student Chapters web page. If you are willing to support our student chapters in this manner, let us know. Submit the following to [email protected]: your name, contact information, a brief summary of your area of expertise, and the state or regions in which you might be able to present. Your name will become part of the list, giving our student members the opportunity to tap your experience.
Need Funding? Apply to SERDP by Oct. 19 for Environmental Research and Development
The Department of Defense's (DoD) Strategic Environmental Research and Development Program (SERDP) is seeking to fund environmental research and development proposals. SERDP is DoD's environmental science and technology program, planned and executed in partnership with the Department of Energy and the Environmental Protection Agency, with participation by numerous other Federal and non-Federal organizations. The Program invests across the broad spectrum of basic and applied research, as well as advanced development. Detailed instructions are available on the SERDP website.