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Publishing in the Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics (JEEG)The co-editors for the JEEG, the premier near surface geophysical journal representing the Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society (EEGS), welcome extended abstract submissions from SAGEEP. We realize at JEEG that a lot of hard work has already gone into the creation of original and novel ideas for presentation at SAGEEP, as well as the generation of informative graphics that display your data and results. For these reasons, we encourage you to take the next step and publish, which will allow for a broader readership. In the cover letter, please state that the work was presented at SAGEEP and I will work my hardest to make sure that it is printed in the next publication. Below are some dates to work towards getting your publication in a June issue of JEEG. The fastest way to have your manuscript work its way through review is to ensure that it is well written. Also, it takes a strong scientific community to work together for manuscripts to be published on time. For this reason, I may call on you as a peer to review work by others. They will rely on you for a timely review to get published alongside your work. November – initial submission Submissions are uploaded to Peer Track, the Allen Press manuscript website. From there, you will be assigned a unique manuscript number for tracking. Along with the manuscript, each paper needs a cover letter stating that the work is not being considered for publication elsewhere and whether there are color figures. Publication in JEEG is free for grayscale figures and charges by Allen Press for color figures are absorbed by EEGS. We do ask that you notify the JEEG editor, Allen Gontz, of your request to print figures in color no later than 10 days after the first galley proof corrections are submitted by completing and sending the request form to the JEEG editor. |