In This Issue...
- Deadlinefor SAGEEP 2019 Abstracts: Nov. 29
- Texas Retains Professional Geologist Registration
- Call for Volunteers - EEGS Membership Committee
- Electronic Only JEEG Beginning March, 2019
- EEGS Membership Renewal Notices Have Been Sent - 14 for 12 for New Members!
- Latest Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics (JEEG) Published
- Latest FastTIMES Issue Available - Infrastructure - Dams & Levees!
- Get Connected - Get Involved
Have news or an event you'd like to submit to the EEGS Newsletter or the News/Recent Events web page? Click here!

Call for Abstracts - Deadline Extension Announced!
SAGEEP 2019 organizers have granted an extension to the abstract submission deadline. Nov. 29 is the deadline to submit your abstract to SAGEEP 2019. Short abstracts with at least 300 words are welcome. Extended abstracts will follow the PDF formatting template. All guidelines are found on the SAGEEP 2019 Abstract Submission site. Reminder: We're on our new platform, so everyone submitting will need to create an account upon their first login.
But, now's the time to take a moment and submit your abstract for presentation at SAGEEP 2019. The call for abstracts is set to close November 29, 2018! Make plans to join us in Portland, Oregon, March 17-21, 2019 to explore the latest research in the near surface field, engaging with topics around the application of geophysics to a variety of problems.
SAGEEP is North America's foremost near surface conference and sets the stage for the field going forward. Those interested in presenting at SAGEEP in 2019 should check out our website where you can find more information on submitting your abstract(s).

The skyline of Portland, host city of SAGEEP 2019.
Three Conferences and an Exhibition: One Price
This year, in addition to the popular 32nd Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems, and our world class exhibition of near surface industry companies, SAGEEP 2019 will also host two sister conferences: the Geohazards Conference, and the Shallow Marine/Coastal Geophysics Conference. These three complementary conferences will run side-by-side during SAGEEP 2019, and offer the breadth and depth necessary to explore some of the main themes of the near surface field. Learn more about each conference, and the topics explored in each, over at our call for abstracts.
SAGEEP also hosts an impressive exhibition which features 44 of the most innovative companies working in near surface. You can also join us for our Outdoor Demonstrations where you will see the operation of our exhibitors' cutting-edge technology. Check back often for details and bookmark this address:
Texas Retains Registration of Professional Geoscientists
On Nov. 20, the Texas Sunset Advisory Commission decided to retain the Texas Board of Professional Geoscientists and to retain Professional Geologist registration in Texas. The Commission has recommended other policy changes. Many individuals and societies worked with the Commission to insure that Professional Geologists Registration continues in Texas.
Call for Volunteers - EEGS Membership Committee 
The lifeblood of any membership society is its members. We need volunteers to serve on the Membership Committee for the 2019/2020 term to:
- help identify potential new members,
- develop and communicate new member benefits, and
- participate in efforts to retain our current members.
EEGS is the premier membership organization representing near surface geophysics. Ours is a "big tent" society with members from diverse disciplines such as engineers, practitioners, academicians, students, service providers, manufacturers, software developers, and more. Why not lend your support to help grow the association, add benefits to the existing roster and identify strategies to let the geophysics world know of EEGS' existence and value to the profession? This Committee has EEGS staff support to help implement programs and benefits - we need your perspective and passion! If you think you can contribute in this rewarding role, please contact Lia Martinez [email protected], EEGS Membership Committee Chair.
What's the Big Deal with EEGS Membership? 14 Months of Membership for the Price of 12!
Membership in the Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society (EEGS) is a deal - a Big Deal! The benefits of being a member of EEGS extend well beyond the quantifiable benefits described below. Being a member makes you part of one of the premier near-surface geophysics membership groups in the world. EEGS, a predominently volunteer-run organization, provides a unique opportunity to get involved with the near-surface geophysical community in a hands-on way - more so than with other professional societies. That's why membership in EEGS is a big deal - we need your participation - your membership is what makes EEGS run!
If you're not a current member of EEGS, join now and be part of a growing and exciting community. To join EEGS online, go to:
Individual Membership Includes:
- Access to the Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics (JEEG)
- Proceedings archives of the Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems (SAGEEP)
- EEGS' electronic newsletter FastTIMES
- Complimentary access to SEG Technical Program Extended Abstracts from 1982
- Discounted registration fees for SAGEEP
- Voting rights in EEGS elections for EEGS Boards of Directors
Lifetime Member Support EEGS, receive benefits on an ongoing basis and never renew again! Members of this category enjoy all the benefits of Individual membership.
Introductory Membership If you have never been a member of EEGS, Welcome! EEGS offers a reduced rate for new members to enjoy all the benefits of Individual membership (with the exception of voting or Board service privileges) for your first year (membership is calendar based, valid from January 1 through December 31).
Student Membership Students are the future of our organization and we offer you a complimentary membership to EEGS which is subsidized by the generous help of our Corporate Sponsors and student membership donors. Student members enjoy all the benefits of Individual membership (with the exception of voting privileges). Student membership is available for all students in an accredited university up to one year post-graduation. Students in year two beyond graduation are offered a special rate for one (1) year.
Corporate Membership Corporate members enjoy all the benefits of Individual membership and:
- A brief profile and linked corporate logo on the Corporate Members page of the EEGS website
- A company profile in FastTIMES
- A 20% discount on JEEG article color figure charges and
- A 10% discount on advertising in JEEG and FastTIMES
- Recognition at SAGEEP for Corporate Members' support. Additional benefits are listed for each corporate level at of membership
2019 EEGS Membership renewal invoices have been sent. Current members should see renewal instructions in their email boxes. If not, contact [email protected]. If your email has changed, edit your EEGS Member Profile or contact [email protected]. Follow the quick and easy payment instructions and be sure to renew before registering for SAGEEP - discounted Symposium registration fees are a major benefit to renewing your membership (or joining EEGS!).
Reminder: Digital, Online Only JEEG in 2019
The EEGS Board of Directors voted to offer a digital Journal of Environmental & Engineering Geophysics (JEEG) to all members and subscribers. Beginning with the March, 2019 issue, members and subscribers will access the electronic Journal online only.
JEEG Editor Dale Rucker said the move to an exclusively digital JEEG will have a minimal effect on the publication's content. JEEG's impact factor, a measure of the yearly average number of citations to recent articles, has risen to 1.36 from .73 in 2016.
You'll notice other changes to JEEG as well - be sure to watch this space for further information on our new JEEG!
September, 2018 Vol. 23.3 Journal Available
Editor Dale Rucker announced the publication and availability of the September, 2018 issue (Vol. 23.3) of the Journal of Environmental & Engineering Geophysics (JEEG). It is printed and available to members online at (scroll to EEGS Research Collection link). This issue features Near Surface Geophysical Letters.
FastTIMES Latest Issue Available
Editor Geoff Pettifer, [email protected] announced that the latest issue of FastTIMES is available. Check out the online, near surface newsmagazine at
Get Connected - Get Involved
You know the power of social media - so does EEGS! We've created a Facebook Group to share developments - with members, with the Society and with the geosciences community. Join or sign in to LinkedIn to connect - and share with colleagues and members!