June, 2017

EEGS Newsletter

In This Issue...

  1. FastTIMES Editor Position Open
  2. EEGS Co-sponsors Coastal Hazards Webinar
  3. Submit Session Topic Ideas to SAGEEP 2018!
  4. Call for Student Chaper Speakers
  5. EEGS at NGWA's Groundwater Summit!

Have news or an event you'd like to submit to the EEGS Newsletter or the News/Recent Events web page?  Click here!

Open Position:  FastTIMES Editor

After four great years of service, Barry Allred is stepping down from the position of FastTIMES Editor-in-Chief. EEGS is looking for a new FastTIMES editor. If you are interested in contributing to the society in this position, take a look at the official announcement and submit your application.  Link to official announcement: FastTIMES - Editor Search 

EEGS Co-sponsors AGI's Coastal Hazards Webinar!

EEGS is pleased to announce it will co-sponsor AGI's next Critical Issues webinar on Thursday July 6th, 2017, and will provide information about efforts to anticipate, mitigate, and respond to coastal storms, erosion, and associated hazards at the federal, state, and local level. An introductory talk and three case studies from around the U.S. will cover examples of coastal hazard planning from the Pacific, Gulf, and Atlantic coasts, with a focus on how geoscience informs planning at all stages. The speakers will be Maria Honeycutt (NOAA Office of Coastal Management), Patrick Barnard (USGS Pacific Coastal and Marine Science Center), Jeff Taebel (Houston-Galveston Area Council), and Jennifer Kline (Georgia Department of Natural Resources). Target audiences for this event are local, state, and federal policy makers and their staff, plus students, educators, and interested members of the wider geoscientific community. Registration will open soon - visit News/Recent Events for details as they are made available.

SAGEEP 2018 in Nashville: Submit Your Special Session Topic Ideas by July 31! 


SAGEEP 2018 will be held in Nashville Tennessee, a region of North America with numerous attributes of interest to near surface geophysicists. Karst features, including Mammoth Cave, are abundant within a short distance of Nashville; a few hundred miles west lies the New Madrid fault zone, site of two of the largest earthquakes in the continental US (1811-1812), and east Tennessee has issues related to coal mining as well as chemical and nuclear wastes. The Tennessee river flows east to west across most of the state with numerous dams and levees. These features, along with topics of national and international interest (infrastructure, renewable and unconventional energy, water, geohazards, unexploded ordnance, etc.) will form the core of a timely and relevant technical program.

Technical Co-Chairs Andrew Parsekian and Oliver Kuras are currently soliciting recommendations for topics for Special Sessions and persons willing to help develop those sessions (July 31 deadline). If you would like to help coordinate a session, please contact the technical co-chairs at [email protected] and [email protected].

Ron Bell is devising two special events in association with the conference that will take advantage of proximity to Nashville's musical community. He anticipates a "guitarists's/musician's workshop" and a "Music City Tour." If you are interested in helping Ron with these, or participating in a musical event before or after the conference, please contact Ron at [email protected]. For details, click here.

Questions or recommendations related to the conference can be sent to General Chair William Doll, [email protected].


 Call for Speakers - EEGS Student Chapters Need Your Expertise!

EEGS Student Chapters are looking for speakers to visit their institutions and speak to the groups. The EEGS website will host a list of names and contact information of willing speakers on the Student Chapters web page. If you are willing to support our student chapters in this manner, let us know. Submit the following to 
[email protected]: your name, contact information, a brief summary of your area of expertise, and the state or regions in which you might be able to present. Your name will become part of the list, giving our student members the opportunity to tap your experience.


EEGS Holds Special Session at NGWA'S Groundwater Summit!

Join fellow industry professionals from around the world at National Ground Water Association's (NGWA) preeminent technical conference, the Groundwater Summit, which will be focusing in 2017 on "Instrumental to your Research and Practice."  The Summit will be held during Groundwater Week December 4-7 at the Music City Center in Nashville.  Its "All things Groundwater" and is a great place to catch up with colleagues, clients, and technology.  EEGS will have a special session of approximately six invited papers selected from SAGEEP 2017.  The papers cover a variety of topics in surface and borehole methods for groundwater applications.  Learn more here.

EEGS | 1720 S. Bellaire St. I  Denver, CO  80222 | (303) 531-7517