EEGS Member Benefit: Online EEGS Research Collection and access to SEG's Technical Program Expanded Abstracts

EEGS Members: Click Here for online JEEG and SAGEEP proceedings prior to 2022 (must be logged in to access).  If you wish to access SAGEEP Proceedings beginning with SAGEEP 2023, please access EEGS' web page "Annual Meeting/SAGEEP, scroll down to the SAGEEP year your are seeking and click the link to the proceedings for that year.  (Example, click for SAGEEP 2024 proceedings.)

The complete Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics (JEEG) and proceedings archives of the Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems (SAGEEP) are available on EEGS' online Research Collection, accessed through a publications portal on the mobile friendly Silverchair platform. Through a partnership between EEGS and the Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG), the online Research Collection has been made available to members through SEG's Digital Library. New and renewing members can access full-text articles for all 15 volumes of the JEEG, all 21 annual proceedings of SAGEEP plus the SEG Technical Program Expanded Abstracts within the EEGS Collection. The EEGS publications have been added to the Digital Cumulative Index, SEG's bibliographic database of applied geophysics literature published by five geoscience societies.

Accessing the Research Collection

Members who are logged in can access the Online Research Collection link by selecting Membership/Members Only and then Online Research Collection.  From this page, click on this link to the JEEG, SAGEEP Proceedings and SEG technical program extended abstracts.  To view SAGEEP proceedings, click on the menu "Abstracts" and select the SAGEEP year for the desired proceedings. 

E-mail is an important communication tool that EEGS uses to keep members apprised of important society announcements, developments and benefits of membership. Update your member profile by logging in (upper right-hand corner of the web page) and clicking on My Profile or, by contacting the business office by e-mailing [email protected] or calling 303.531.7517.

EEGS and publications are available through SEG's Circulation and Fulfillment Service (