In This Issue...
- EEGS Membership Renewal
- What's Up with JEEG?
- Call for EEGS / Geonics ECA Nominations
- Are You Up for a New Challenge?
- Important Upcoming Near Surface Geophysics Possibility!
- FastTIMES Vol. 22.3 - Now Available for Download
- Donate Now fro the SAGEEP 2018 Foundation Silent Auction!
- Update on SAGEEP 2018 in Nashville, Tennessee in March
- Call for Student Chapter Speakers!
Have news or an event you'd like to submit to the EEGS Newsletter or the News/Recent Events web page? Click here!
EEGS Membership Renewal
2018 EEGS membership renewal invoices have been sent to email addresses on file! Members can pay the invoice by clicking the "Pay Now" button. If you did not receive your renewal invoice, you can still pay online via the EEGS website. Access the EEGS home page, and from the "Quick Link" list on the right-hand side, click on "My Profile." This link will take you to your individual membership profile. If you hover over the "My Profile" gray tab, you will see a dropdown selection "View Transactions." Please select "View Transactions" - you will see the invoice for 2018 EEGS Individual Membership Renewal. You can now select and pay with your credit card. You can also pay your invoice by mailing a check or faxing your credit card information to the EEGS business offices.
If you took advantage of EEGS' Introductory Membership for 1 year, you will need to join as an individual member. If you have questions or wish to make changes to your membership type, profile information or make donations to the EEGS Foundation, please contact staff at [email protected] or call the EEGS business offices (303) 531-7517.
What's UP with JEEG?
The Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics (JEEG) has done spectacularly well over the past year. EEGS is proud to announce the impact factor - a measure reflecting the yearly average number of citations to recent articles published in that journal - is heading up! At the end of 2016, the impact factor was 0.73, up from 0.5 for 2015. For 2017, it appears the JEEG impact factor also will be up - above 1.0. The number of papers published last year is also up: With some help from the special issue on Airborne Geophysics, JEEG featured 39 papers. The upcoming March 2018 issue will also be a special issue dedicated to Geophysics in China - expect 12 papers. JEEG Editor Dale Rucker suggested "As we move through 2018, I encourage all of us to keep JEEG in your sites for possible inspiration, publication, or for referencing."
Call for EEGS / Geonics Early Career Award (ECA) Nominations
Nominations for the EEGS/Geonics Early Career Award (ECA) are now being accepted. This award acknowledges academic excellence and encourages research in near-surface geophysics and includes a cash award and the opportunity to present their research during the EEGS Luncheon at SAGEEP 2018 in Nashville. Beginning this year, qualifying candidates from academia, the private sector, and the federal government will be considered. Visit the ECA page for more information on qualifications and submission requirements.
Are you up for a new challenge?

Our new FastTimes and JEEG editors are doing a great job in developing solid technical content for our publications! Special issues create an opportunity to identify and solicit advertising from special advertisers. However, our editors, focusing on content, don't always have the opportunity to focus on our advertisers. EEGS Board has identified the need for a Publications Advertising Editor or Publications Business Editor to focus on developing advertisers. Just like our current editorial teams, we need a business or advertising team to focus on advertisers. Are you up for the challenge? Please drop an email to [email protected] if you are interested in helping with the business side of our organization.
Important Upcoming Near Surface Geophysics Possibility - Interested? Read On!
The Geotechnical group at the FHWA Resource Center has proposed an idea focused on geophysical exploration for consideration in the 5th round of Every Day Counts. This initiative could provide a stepping stone for geophysical awareness and utilization in geotechnical investigations of our highways, but it needs support. Access the EDC 5 link for instructions on how to submit suggestions/comments. The deadline for suggestions/comments is January 18th. Please feel free to contact Khamis Haramy, Dan Alzamora or Ben Rivers with any questions.
FastTIMES Vol. 22.3 Available for Download Now!
Vol. 22.3 is available for download and viewing - in both a high and low resolution interactive PDF format. For optimal viewing, FastTIMES' editor suggests viewing the newly formatted publication after downloading to get full color and interactive PDF capability, rather than the limited version in the initial previewing screen. Many new features and viewing improvements have been made and he's pleased to offer readers a feature-rich, fully functional, quarterly magazine for the near-surface geophysical sciences. (Page 10 of Vol 22,2 contains instructions on how to navigate around and use all the features of, the interactive PDF (e.g. enlarging the figures for better viewing).
Download the low or high resolution PDF from the EEGS website at: Issue. Follow the new download instructions for both the low and high resolution PDF files. It is best to download the document and view it outside of a web browser with Adobe Acrobat. Also, if your web browser is Firefox, please clear private data before downloading.
We encourage its distribution to a wide audience, so if you know of someone who might enjoy reading FastTIMES but may not be on the distribution list, feel free to forward the document or web link.
Note: As well as seeking regular contributors (columnists) for planned expanded content, FastTIMES continues to look for Guest Editors who are interested in organizing a FastTIMES issue around a special topic within the Guest Editor's area of expertise. For more information, and if you are interested, please contact Geoff Pettifer ([email protected]) if you would like to serve as a FastTIMES Guest Editor or as a regular columnist. More information on the FastTIMES 2018 program will be forthcoming shortly. Please direct advertising inquiries to Jackie Jacoby ([email protected]).
Donate Now for the SAGEEP 2018 Foundation Silent Auction!
The 2018 SAGEEP conference is scheduled for March 25-29 in Nashville, Tennessee and looks to be a great conference - and a lot of fun! As part of this year's festivities and building on past events the EEGS Foundation plans to again sponsor a Silent Auction. Past year's auctions have been very beneficial to the EEGS Foundation. We ask that you consider donating an item that can be sold to the highest bidder at the auction. All proceeds will benefit the EEGS Foundation. The EEGS Foundation is a 501(3)c charitable organization chartered to encourage the use of geophysical technologies and to aid those who endeavor to learn more about them:
Great auction items could include art, jewelry, mineral samples, gift baskets, vacation days at a hotel, portable electronics, signed sports, movie, or music memorabilia, fine wine or liquor, outdoors equipment, books, geophysical equipment and software, and gift cards and gift certificates. Think outside the box and donate now to this fun SAGEEP Silent Auction event! These gifts can come from individuals or organizations (talk to your employer!). You may also participate in the auction by purchasing one of these items, so you'll want to come prepared with your check or credit card!
The items can be mailed in advance (contact Jackie Jacoby regarding logistics) or brought to the registration desk at the beginning of the conference preferably before Sunday's Ice Breaker event. Details on contributing items and tax benefits can be found via this link!page4/cfvg . Everything will be on display throughout the conference starting with Sunday evenings Ice Breaker and winners will be announced in the Exhibit Area on Wednesday at the mid-morning break. Once the item is purchased, you can take it with you or have it shipped (postage will be at additional expense to the purchaser). Please contact Doug Laymon ([email protected]) if you would like any additional information on the auction. Thank you for your consideration of participating in this fund raiser for the EEGS Foundation and we look forward to seeing you in Nashville.
SAGEEP 2018 in Nashville March 25-29

Planning for SAGEEP - Nashville is coming together to build an exciting technical program that will feature multiple sessions on three topic areas: "Unexploded Ordnance", "MASW" and "Urban Underground Space Development". Two AMAZING field trips are being developed, both of which are subsidized to reduce costs to participants.
On Sunday March 25, a field trip, led by Thomas Brackman, will visit Mammoth Cave National Park, Kentucky with a personalized tour provided by the National Park Service Cave Specialist Dr. Rick Toomey. The group will also visit some karst geophysics sites and the Corvette Museum where a karst collapse consumed 6 classic Corvettes in 2014.
On Thursday, Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) geophysicist Jeffrey Munsey will co-lead a field trip to two nearby dams where karst problems are being addressed through geophysics - the Normandy Dam, operated by TVA, and the Center Hill Dam, operated by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
A special Tuesday evening event will be combined with the Outdoor Demonstrations at The Hermitage, home of U.S. President Andrew Jackson. The evening will feature barbeque, bluegrass, and line dancing.
Questions or recommendations related to the conference can be sent to General Chair William Doll, [email protected].
Call for Speakers - EEGS Student Chapters Need Your Expertise!
EEGS Student Chapters are looking for speakers to visit their institutions and speak to the groups. The EEGS website will host a list of names and contact information of willing speakers on the Student Chapters web page. If you are willing to support our student chapters in this manner, let us know. Submit the following to [email protected]: your name, contact information, a brief summary of your area of expertise, and the state or regions in which you might be able to present. Your name will become part of the list, giving our student members the opportunity to tap your experience.