EEGS' New IDEA (Inclusion, Diversity, Equity and Access)

Task Force on IDEA - Task Force on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Renamed 

At its most recent meeting, the EEGS Board of Directors renamed the created the Task Force, chaired by Moira Poje, to better reflect the direction of the task force's efforts.  Over the coming days, Moira and her task force members will be elaborating on the shift in focus and identifying their new goals. 

Statement on Social Injustice

When the original task force was formed, EEGS issued a Statement on Social Injustice following a Board of Directors meeting.  This statement followed the death of George Floyd; however, EEGS intends to develop and implement initiatives that will also focus on bringing equity to the Society:

Acknowledging our duty and ethical commitment to protect public welfare and provide equitable treatment, EEGS fully supports movements that denounce racism in all forms that permeate society today. We acknowledge the pain and trauma that communities of color are experiencing and stand with them in solidarity. As such, EEGS affirms its commitment to serve communities, the profession and our members with the highest standards of integrity, fairness, dignity and respect. Together, we can make a difference. 

Submit Feedback/Request Information/Donate to the Work of the Task Force

If you would like to volunteer to serve on the task force, submit ideas or suggestions or contribute directly to support the work of the Task Force, you can indicate your interest or donate online by using this submission form:  EEGS Task Force on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Feedback Form.

February Webinar - Meet Me Halfway

The EEGS Task Force Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) takes advantage of every opportunity to raise awareness and take a lead role in setting and achieving the highest standards of integrity, fairness, dignity and respect. Therefore, February's TAG webinar series featured a Task Force DEI webinar:  Meet Me Halfway, an interactive webinar exploring intergenerational communication in a geophysics workplace.  EEGS President Barry Allred commented: "Thanks to all the Task Force members for your efforts putting together the TAG webinar. It was excellent, well organized, and the discussions in the breakout rooms were very interesting and insightful.  I think everyone really enjoyed the interactive webinar format."

The webinar slide presentation is available for viewing by clicking here.

If you have a topic or area of geophysics you’d like to see (or host) in a future webinar, please let EEGS know by emailing [email protected]. TAG webinar series looks forward to your suggestions or feedback.

Task Force DEI Holds Inaugural Event in January

Reflections on Picture a Scientist Screening and Happy Hour with the EEGS’ DEI Task Force

For the inaugural event of the EEGS’ DEI Task Force, we hosted a virtual screening of the film Picture a Scientist on October 1-2, 2020. We had over 150 registrants from 13 countries participate in the screening. Our post even happy hour focused on exploring the devastating themes from the film and how we can all best be allies for diversity, equity, and inclusion. Our panelists, Dr. Kisa Mwakanyamale, Dr. German Y Ojeda, Cian Dawson, and Emily Hart each provided unique perspectives of their own experiences in near-surface geophysics and how they related to the film. We shared a moderated discussion and moved into breakout rooms to discuss the film and share experiences among all participants. The production company graciously agreed to set up a screening room for attendees. There was a small fee associated with that platform. To cover this cost, the Task Force solicited donations to cover the cost of the screening room. Moreover, all additional funds from this fundraiser will go to the EEGS DEI Task Force specifically for the implementation of the following goals:

  • Diversity and equity education, promotion, and dialogue within our profession for greater understanding and inclusion within and among our profession
  • Community outreach to future generations of geoscientists and engineers at SAGEEP meetings
  • Growing diversity, equity, and inclusion in our membership and leadership

The EEGS DEI Task Force is looking forward to using these funds to bring you more engaging events!